D. S. Ivanov, V. P. Veiko, Y. B. Yakovlev, M. E. Carcia, B. Rethfeld

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For citation: The work is done under the grant support of the President of the Russian Federation NSH-1364.2014.2, RFBR grants 12-02-01194, 13-02-00033, 13-02-00971, and is partially financially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (grant 074-U01), grants DFG IV 122/1-1 and IV 122/1-2.


 The process of laser ablation under the influence of ultra short laser pulses on metals is investigated by methods of molecular dynamics. The validity and applicability of the hybrid atomistic-continuous model for the estimation of optimum modes of ultra short laser pulses processing are explored. Combination of atomistic model of laser-induced non-equilibrium process of a phase transition at the atomic level with continuous two-temperature model for describing the dynamics of photo-excitation of free media is proposed. Applicability of laser ablation model on the example of aluminum films and gold under exposure to pulses with different energy density and duration is shown. It is indicated that, depending on the ratio of the laser pulse duration and the characteristic time of electron-phonon material interaction, photothermal and photomechanical modes of destruction are implemented that determine the quality and performance of the laser processing. It is established that at the duration of laser pulse less than the time of electron-phonon interaction high-performance photomechanical type of destruction is implemented by internal stresses arising in the area of exposure. This is confirmed by a linear dependence of the ablation rate from the absorbed energy. At the duration of laser pulse greater than the time of electron-phonon interaction inefficient photothermal mode of destruction is implemented. The results may be useful for specialists engaged in the development of laser technologies

Keywords: laser ablation, ultra short laser pulses, molecular dynamics, photothermal destruction, photomechanical destruction

Acknowledgements. Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Президента Российской Федерации НШ-1364.2014.2, грантов РФФИ 12-02-01194, 13-02-00033, 13-02-00971 и при государственной финансовой поддержке ведущих университетов Российской Федерации (субсидия 074-U01) и грантов DFG IV 122/1-1 и IV 122/1-2

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