doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-318-323


Y. D. Shabalin, V. L. Eliseev

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Article in English

For citation: Shabalin Yu.D., Eliseev V. L. Investigation of neural network algorithm for detection of network host anomalies in the automated search for XSS vulnerabilities and SQL injections. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 318–323, doi:10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-318-323


 A problem of aberrant behavior detection for network communicating computer is discussed. A novel approach based on dynamic response of computer is introduced. The computer is suggested as a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) plant. To characterize dynamic response of the computer on incoming requests a correlation between input data rate and observed output response (outgoing data rate and performance metrics) is used. To distinguish normal and aberrant behavior of the computer one-class neural network classifieris used. General idea of the algorithm is shortly described. Configuration of network testbed for experiments with real attacks and their detection is presented (the automated search for XSS and SQL injections).  Real found-XSS and SQL injection attack software was used to model the intrusion scenario.  It would be expectable that aberrant behavior of the server will reveal itself by some instantaneous correlation response which will be significantly different from any of normal ones.  It is evident that correlation picture of attacks from different malware running,  the site homepage overriding on the server (so called defacing), hardware and software failures will differ from correlation picture of normal functioning. Intrusion detection algorithm is investigated to estimate false positive and false negative rates in relation to algorithm parameters. The importance of correlation width value and threshold value selection was emphasized.  False positive rate was estimated along the time series of experimental data.  Some ideas about enhancement of the algorithm quality and robustness were mentioned.

Keywords: anomalies detection, intrusion detection, neural network, one-class neural network classifier, security, network, Cross-Site Scripting, XSS attack, SQL injection, network attack


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