doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-345-353


V. M. Shcherbakov, A. I. Altuchov, D. S. Korshunov, V. S. Voyuts

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For citation: Shcherbakov V.M., Altukhov A. I., Korshunov D.S., Voyuts V.S. Microclimate cartography using data from the Earth remote sensing and simulation of thermal fields. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 345–353. doi:10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-345-353


Subject of Research. The paper proposes geoinformation technology that provides automated compiling of informative microclimatic map by co-processing of digital terrain models, historical dataof meteorological observations and satellite registration of plant vegetation index for a number of years. We present a new solution for urgent task of microclimate cartography according to satellite imagery and modeling of thermal fields. Method. Insolation and vegetation index NDVI were selected as indicators of microclimatic environment areas, showing the main microclimate forming factors that affect the condition of plants and the dynamics of their life cycle phases change. Main Results. We have done the comparison of the seasonal rhythm variability of microclimatic indicators for synchronicity and their being timed to each other. We have defined indicative properties of microclimate parameters, generalization degree of cartographic image, borders for microclimatic cartography. We have presented a fragment of microclimate map obtained with the use of the proposed GIS technology implemented in “ArcGIS” environment. Practical Relevance. Proposed technology allows the creation of formalized microclimate maps showing the distribution of insolation and photosynthetic activity of plants foliage on the Earth surface, taking into account the features of the terrain, and the search for locations favorable for growing the required crops and forecasting solution of problems in the sphere of nature.

Keywords: insolation, vegetation index NDVI, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), microclimate map


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