S. G. German-Galkin, Z. C. Zwierzewicz, N. A. Polyakov

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Mathematical description of the active semiconductor converter based on the main (smooth) component method and method of resulting vector is proposed. Equations are obtained which describe steady state modes of operation for the active semiconductor converter. According to these equations of steady state modes of operation, control and electromagnetic characteristics of the active semiconductor converter are estimated and provided. It is shown that the active semiconductor converter is a strongly non-linear system. To investigate its dynamics only modern simulation software should be used. Structural model of the active semiconductor converter is developed with the usage of Simulink software package, and investigation of its dynamics is performed. Modeling showed that dynamic processes during switching of the active semiconductor converter operation mode from active voltage converter mode to grid-commutated inverter mode are strongly non-linear. At some combinations converter operation failure may ensue. Closed-loop non-linear structure of control system is suggested for the active semiconductor converter. Regulators are synthesized which provide specified static and dynamic features to the whole system. Structural model of closed-loop control system is developed. Its investigation is performed and its dynamic characteristics are obtained. Research results confirmed the features of the active semiconductor converter built into during its synthesis.

Keywords: active semiconductor converter, active voltage converter, static characteristic, regulation curve, current corridor

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