A. V. Masloboev, R. M. Strand

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 A prototype of professional social network BarentsNet has been developed for management activities information support of entities participating in the management process of developing and resource potential settling of the Barents Euro- Arctic region. BarentsNet system is implemented as a multi-domain web-service and provides formalized ontology-based expert knowledge integration of the Arctic and sub-Arctic territories development features, and professional contacts linking automation within the system for cooperation and joint project realization in this sphere. The functionality organization model, executive core and software components of the BarentsNet system have been developed.

Keywords:   social network, information support, management, regional development

Acknowledgements. Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (проект № 12-07-00138-а «Разработка когнитивных моделей и методов формирования интегрированной информационной среды поддержки управления безопасностью Арктических регионов России»). Авторы выражают благодарность проф. В.А. Путилову и проф. А.И. Смирнову за участие в обсуждении результатов работы.

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