doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-199-223


P. V. Bulat, P. V. Denissenko

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For citation: Bulat P.V., Denissenko P.V. Trends in the development of detonation engines for high-speed aerospace aircrafts and the problem of triple configurations of shock waves. Part II - Research of counterpropagating shock waves and triple shock wave configurations. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 199–223. doi:10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-199-223


The paper deals with current issues of the interference theory development of gas-dynamic discontinuities as applied to a problem of propulsion refinement for the air-spacecrafts, designed for hypersonic flight speeds. In the first part of the review we have presented the history of detonation study and different concepts of detonation engines, as well as air intakes designed for hypersonic flight speeds. The second part provides an overview of works on the interference theory development for gas-dynamic discontinuities. We report about classification of the gas-dynamic discontinuities, shock wave propagation, shock-wave structures and triple configurations of shock waves. We have shown that many of these processes are accompanied by a hysteresis phenomenon, there are areas of ambiguity; therefore, in the design of engines and air intakes optimal shock-wave structures should be provided and their sustainability should be ensured. Much attention has recently been given to the use of the air intakes in the shock-wave structures with the rereflection of shock waves and the interference of shock waves in the opposite directions. This review provides increased focus on it, contains references to landmark works, the last calculated and experimental results. Unfortunately, foreign surveys missed many landmark works of the Soviet and Russian researchers, as they were not published in English. At the same time, it was the Soviet school of gas dynamics that has formulated the interference theory of gas-dynamic discontinuities in its present form. To fill this gap is one of this review scopes. The review may be recommended for professionals, engineers and scientists working in the field of aerospace engineering.

Keywords: shock-wave, shock-wave structures, triple shock-wave configurations, counterpropagating shock waves


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