doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-826-833


A. S. Ustinov, E. A. Pitukhin

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Article in Russian

For citation: Ustinov A.S., Pitukhin E.A. Research of “water glass - graphite microparticles” composite material by thermogravimetry method. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 826–833 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-826-833


Subject Research. The paper presents results of research on the thermal stability of the composite material (CM) "water glass–graphite microparticles" under temperature variation and the substance composition in the initial state at the intermediate stages of the heating process, and on the residue composition. Method. The study was carried out by the thermal analysis with the use of thermogravimetry method, when the sample mass change depending on the temperature is recorded. Thus, the condition is observed that samples drive off volatiles as a result of physical or chemical processes in the CM. We used methods of x-ray crystallography and electron microscopy. Main Results. "Water glass–graphite microparticles" composite material is studied by the thermoanalytical method. The physical processes occurring during the heating of CM are described. Composite material structure  and component phases of the reaction products of microcomposition formation are defined by the x-ray diffraction analysis and electron microscopy. The stoichiometric coefficients of chemical reaction are obtained by the thermodynamic method. Practical Relevance. Composite material with the obtained characteristics can be used as a protective coating for building structures with the aim to increase fire resistance and reduce fire hazard.

Keywords: composite material, water glass, graphite filler, thermogravimetry, thermal effects

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