Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
Rules for presentation of papers
Scientific reviews, full-text and brief papers are published.
Papers are accepted in Russian and English languages.
A full-text paper should have a well-defined structure, including an abstract, keywords, introduction, several substantive chapters and a conclusion.
An abstract is intended for general public. It is necessary to set forth the scientific content of the paper limited by 250-400 words in the form of a brief abstract: the subject, the purpose of work, the method or methodology of work, a brief description of the experiment, obtained results, recommendations for their application.
Keywords should be connected with the information presented in the paper. The main keyword is given first, the total number of keywords - not less than 5 and not more than 25.
An introduction should contain a meaningful statement of the issue in question, brief analysis of the solutions known from scientific literature (with references to sources), criticism of their shortcomings, scientific novelty and advantages (features) of the proposed approach.
A main body of the paper should represent exact statement of the problem being solved; obtained assertions and conclusions are to be set forth and explained in detail (proved), the results of experimental studies or mathematical modeling should be given to illustrate the statements made. The main text of the paper needs to be split up into meaningful sections.
In conclusion it is necessary to summarize the main results, comment on them and, if possible, to indicate the areas of future research and application.
A list of references is recommended: for a review paper - at least 50 items, for full-text paper - not less than 15, for a brief paper - at least 8 references (at least half of them should be references to the publications, included in the Scopus and Web of Science citation databases ).
The length of a review paper is coordinated with the editors beforehand.
The length of a full-text paper, including illustrations, tables and references, should not exceed 8 pages of typewritten text (figures and tables included), font 12 pt, single-spaced.
The length of a brief paper is up to 3 pages, font 12 pt, single-spaced. The length of an abstract is limited by 50-100 words. No editorial classification is required. A brief paper is intended to bring the new scientific results obtained by the author to the scientific community’s knowledge in short and with a strict deadline.
Papers are accepted in electronic form (e-mail: karmanov@mail.ifmo.ru). Materials are submitted to the editorial staff on request after the procedure of reviewing in a printed form signed by the authors.
A set of documents should include:
- The text of the paper with make-up figures and tables
- The forms with information about the authors (for each author), several employers can be specified by the author
- Files with pictures to the paper in their original format (preferably JPEG) with the maximum resolution; should useful information is lost in the black and white variant, color drawings are permitted
- Puplishers license agreement.
Paper layout is performed in the Word editor for Windows (version not earlier than 2003).
The body of the paper is typed in Times New Roman font, size 12 pt regular, single line spacing, top margins are 20 mm, the others are 25 mm. Indention is 10 mm. An abstract (150-250 words in length) is printed in Times New Roman font, size 10 pt regular, single line spacing, justified alignment.
The title of the paper is printed in Times New Roman 12 pt bold, single line spacing.
The section name is printed in Times New Roman 12 pt bold, single line spacing, not separated by blank lines. Formulas are entered in Microsoft Equation Ed. 3.0.