doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-4-639-645


O. V. Tarakanov, N. B. Pikalova, V. O. Tarakanova

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Article in Russian

For citation: Tarakanov O.V., Pikalova N.B., Tarakanova V.O. "Normalization paradox" research in factual relational databases on ORACLE platform. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 2018, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 639–645 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-4-639-645


Subject of Research.The paper presents the results of experimental assessment of relationship force between  database normalization degree and database response formation time on a query. The research aim lies in the search of objective assessment of correlation force between database normalization degree and the run time of the enclosed inquiries to it depending on the required depth of the recursion realized in the inquiry ("normalization paradox" model). Method. The applied method is based on implementation of the correlation analysis according to the results of a numerical experiment for "normalization paradox" identification. Main Results. It is established that correlation between the recursion depth caused by achievement of a certain normal form of tables and inquiry performance time is rather weak in databases on the ORACLE platform. Interrelation between the database volume determined by the number of considered objects and delivery formation time is also weak. The valid conclusion is formulated about the absence of grounds for carrying out the database denormalization or not achievement of high normal forms for the good of the increase in its speed when performing requests for selection of records. All significant conclusions are drawn on the relation of factual databases on the ORACLE platform. Transposition of results on the other up-to-date database systems  was not performed. Practical Relevance. The practical relevance of work consists in objective justification of the need (but not sufficiency) for reductions of the relations of the relational database under control of ORACLE Database 11g R2 to the highest normal forms for ensuring its integrity. The research result novelty is caused by experimental confirmation of the hypothesis validity about selection time dependence of tuples on database normalization degree at the recursive selection procedure and formulation of "normalization paradox" model for databases on the ORACLE platform

Keywords: factual relational database, database normalization, response formation time on query, "normalization paradox", primary key, surrogate key

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