A. O. Klyuchev, P. V. Kustarev, T. Paltashev, A. E. Platunov

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The paper deals with HLD-methodology for embedded systems design (High Level Design Methodology for Embedded Systems), created and developed by specialists of ITMO University and "LMT" Research and Production Company. The currency of this topic is caused by constant growth of architectural complexity of reconfigurable embedded computing systems, by the importance increase of system design issues. Application of HLD-methodology in a number of applied projects is shown. Its usage has raised architectural and micro-architectural design quality. The methodology is based on: architectural abstractions system; architectural model design process of the computing system independent of hardware-software realization; aspect model of the computing system design process; actualization model of computational process on the basis of unified translator concept. Practical application of the proposed HLD-methodology solves important design problems. Computational process components are distributed reasonably on various phases of system life cycle (design, execution). Space expansion of design decisions search is provided. Architecture synthesis is implemented on the basis of a generalizing view at configuration and programming mechanisms based on computational process actualization model. Possibility of late fixing for concrete way of architectural decisions realization is provided. Vertical architectural notations are applied. Embedded system properties are flexibly changed by means of configuration within the framework of the chosen design aspects subset. It gives the possibility to control resources expenses for various phases of system life cycle (design, manufacture, usage, support). The proposed design HLD-methodology considers reconfigurable embedded system, first of all, through the prism of its target computational process organization at the design, configuration and execution phases in a unified key. Developers have got possibility for effective distribution search of computational process elements on various phases. The methodology includes groups of abstractions for work with the computing system components and the computing system on the whole, with embedded system design process and architectural decisions metrics. Basic propositions of HLDmethodology suggested by the authors are given. A number of reconfigurable embedded systems developed with the usage of HLD-methodology elements is represented.

Keywords: embedded system, reconfigurable system, computational architecture, design process, system level design, highlevel design

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