M. Y. Plotnikov, A. V. Kulikov, M. E. Efimov

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 A model of the fiber-optic hydrophone sensor is suggested. Hydrophone construction comprises a malleable core made of a polymeric material with regulated elastic properties to which the optical fiber is wound. The built-in module of Comsol Multiphysics - Acoustic Solid Interaction is used in the simulation; it evaluates the impact of the acoustic field of different frequencies and amplitudes on the value of the sensor surface deformation. The proposed model gives the possibility for simulating the hydrophone in various environments; materials and dimensions of sensor are selected at the design stage to ensure the required performance: frequency response and sensitivity of fiber optic hydrophone. Correctness of the model construction was verified by results comparison of the computer simulation and experimental study in the acoustic pool. The prototype was represented as the phase interferometric fiber-optic hydrophone on the Bragg gratings. The sensing element is formed as a cylindrical core round which the optical fiber is wound. Core characteristics are: the material attenuation (damping) – 0.1, Young's modulus of the core - 6 MPa, Poisson’s ratio - 0.49. The prototype was tested in the experimental pool, which design makes it possible to carry out measurements at frequencies above 3 kHz in the absence of reflections of the acoustic signal. The impact assessment of the acoustic field is carried out by means of an approved piezoelectric hydrophone: the amplitude of the acoustic field of a plane wave is 0.5 and 1 Pa, frequencies of the acoustic impact are  3000 - 8000 Hz. According to the findings fabricated prototype sensitivity was equal to 0.1 rad / Pa at the frequency of  3 kHz. Studies have shown that the sensitivity of the simulated fiber optic hydrophone will decrease with increasing frequency of hydroacoustic exposure. At 8 kHz frequency the sensitivity is decreased to 0.01 rad / Pa. Prototype testing results have confirmed the adequacy of the computer model that makes it possible to recommend the proposed model for the development and study of fiber optic hydrophones

Keywords:  fiber-optic hydrophone, modeling, Comsol Multiphysics, sensitivity

Acknowledgements. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (проект №02.G25.31.0044).

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