doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-1-130-138


A. V. Masloboev, V. A. Putilov, A. V. Sioutine

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Article in Russian

For citation: Masloboev A.V., Putilov V.A., Sioutine A.V. Coordination in multilevel network-centric control systems of regional security: approach and formal model. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 130–138 (in Russian)


The paper deals with development of methods and tools for mathematical and computer modeling of the multilevel network-centric control systems of regional security. This research is carried out under development strategy implementation of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national safeguarding for the period before 2020 in the Murmansk region territory. Creation of unified interdepartmental multilevel computer-aided system is proposed intended for decision-making information support and socio-economic security monitoring of the Arctic regions of Russia. The distinctive features of the investigated system class are openness, self-organization, decentralization of management functions and decision-making, weak hierarchy in the decision-making circuit and goal generation capability inside itself. Research techniques include functional-target approach, mathematical apparatus of multilevel hierarchical system theory and principles of network-centric control of distributed systems with pro-active components and variable structure. The work considers network-centric management local decisions coordination problem-solving within the multilevel distributed systems intended for information support of regional security. The coordination problem-solving approach and problem formalization in the multilevel network-centric control systems of regional security have been proposed based on developed multilevel recurrent hierarchical model of regional socio-economic system complex security. The model provides coordination of regional security indexes, optimized by the different elements of multilevel control systems, subject to decentralized decision-making. The model specificity consists in application of functional-target technology and mathematical apparatus of multilevel hierarchical system theory for coordination procedures implementation of the network-centric management local decisions. The work-out and research results can find further application both within the coordination problem-solving of managerial decision-making in the multilevel network-centric control systems used for different subject domains, and within the analysis and synthesis problem-solving of integral complex security index of the regional socio-economic system, represented as regional security index matrix.

Keywords: modeling, coordination, multilevel system, network-centric control, information support, regional security, decision-making support

Acknowledgements. Результаты работы получены в ходе исследований, проводимых по планам научно- исследовательских работ Института информатики и математического моделирования технологических процессов Кольского научного центра РАН (НИР № 01201452426 «Методы и когнитивные технологии создания, исследования и использования виртуальных систем поддержки управления комплексной безопасностью развития Арктической зоны Российской Федерации»). Авторы выражают благодарность своим коллегам по лаборатории за участие во всестороннем обсуждении результатов работы.


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