R. Yulmetyev, E. Zinatullin, S. Dyomin, A. Yatsenko

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The article deals with the original mathematical method of age-related changes analysis in human neuromuscular system. It is based on the statistical memory effects in physiological time series of the human neuromuscular system. The developed analytical method allows revealing the stochastic features of the force output variability for the different age groups. The comparative analysis of the statistical memory quantifiers points to the significant alterations in the manifestation of the memory effects in human neuromuscular activity during the process of aging. Particularly, the force output variability of the old and older-old people is characterized by more sig-nificant fluctuations and by the weakening of the long-range memory in comparison with the young people’s muscular activity. Besides we disclose the specific features in behavior of the spatial and spectral characteristics that belong to the different age groups of healthy people. Particularly, the distinctive frequencies, reflecting the periodic features in functioning of the human muscular system, are revealed. The developed method is useful for understanding the physical mechanisms, which underlie the process of biological aging.

Keywords: time series analyses, human neuromuscular system, statistical memory quantifiers, Zwanzig–Mori’s memory functions formalism.

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