doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-2-202-210


A. I. Podosinnikov, G. E. Romanova, S. A. Sheglov, V. S. Peretyagin, K. D. Munbaev, H. K. Lipsanen, V. E. Bougrov

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Article in Russian

For citation: Podosinnikov A.I., Romanova G.E., Scheglov S.A., Peretyagin V.S., Mynbaev K.D., Lipsanen H., Bougrov V.E. Edge effect modeling and study for three-chip RGB light-emitting diodes. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 202–210. (in Russian)

Subject of study. The paper deals with light quality improvement of multi–chip RGB light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and
luminaries on their basis. In particular, we have studied the issues of the edge effect reducing, which is non–uniformity of
color when observing the source of light under different angles as well as non-uniformity of color distribution on the
illuminated surface.
Methods. Experimental study of the edge effect has been performed, namely, the analysis of the halo at the periphery of the
illuminated area and the non–uniformity of area at the surface of the screen illuminated with RGB LEDs with and without
light concentrators. Modeling of illumination distribution at various distances from the source for the system containing four
RGB LEDs with reflectors by ZEMAX software has been carried out. Assessment of the uniformity for light distribution via
calculating the chromaticity coordinates has been performed.
Main results. The possibility of modeling application at the stage of a luminary design is shown on the example of RGB
LEDs for assessing the efficiency of light flux usage and colorimetric parameters. Suggested method simplifies significantly
the design of luminaries and reduces associated costs.
Practical relevance. The findings can be used in the design of luminaries based on RGB LEDs, including the ones with
secondary optics elements.

Keywords: RGB LED, color rendition, secondary optics.

Acknowledgements. This work was financially supported by the Russian Government via funds allotted for the implementation of the Program for competitive growth of ITMO University among the leading world academic centres for 2013-2020.

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