doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-2-362-364


V. A. Bezrukov, G. V. Karpova

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Article in Russian

For citation: Bezrukov V.A., Karpova G.V. Meridional coma of negative anastigmatic lenses at the final position of an object. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 362–364.


The paper deals with the findings of negative anastigmatic lenses at the final position of an object. The negative lenses are considered with refraction index n=1.7849 (type of glass is TF12) and thickness d=5 mm, working with paraxial magnifications β=1,1x;1,3x;1,5x with account of the distances from the first lens surface to the object S1=9; 25 mm and the size of the object y=15 mm. Dependences of negative lens forms from the position of anastigmatic pupils and from radii of meridional caustics which are convenient for understanding aberrational properties of anastigmatic lenses. The findings give the possibility to synthesize wide-angle lenses with the corrected aberrations of image curvature and meridional coma without geometrical vignetting of wide sloping bunches.

Keywords: synthesis, wide-angle lenses, curvature of image, anastigmatic lenses, meridional coma.

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