
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-2-322-328
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Article in Russian
For citation: Zikratov I.A., Shago F.N., Gurtov A.V., Ivaninskaya I.I. Optimization of the coverage zone for a cellular network based on mathematical programming. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 313–321.
For citation: Zikratov I.A., Shago F.N., Gurtov A.V., Ivaninskaya I.I. Optimization of the coverage zone for a cellular network based on mathematical programming. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 313–321.
The method is offered for planning radio networks by the cellular operator. The problem relevance is caused by the service providers effort to minimize costs for arrangement and content of necessary quantity of base stations with the support of the required signal/noise level within a coverage zone. The problem is solved in several stages by a rational choice of basing location points for retranslators. First of all, we carry out the terrain section analysis and a preliminary choice of a point set on it where the placement of base stations is potentially possible. As a rule, such problem is solved by means of specialized geoinformation systems. At the second stage we make calculation of a radio communication range, on condition that retranslators are located in the selected points. At the third stage we directly make selections of line items for basic stations on the ground of predesigns. The paper deals with stochastic approach for a rational choice of the line items. Feasibility of this approach is caused by a large number of the arbitrary uncontrollable factors influencing the signal/noise ratio in a reception point. In this case we consider the task of a line item optimum choice as an extremum problem where parameters of conditions are represented as random variables. Implementation of the method offered by the authors is illustrated on the example of a radio communication planning on an out-of-town region crossed by two highways. The input parameters in this example are: road section length, crossing coverage zones of retranslators, and concentration of subscribers on the higways. The target function and system of restrictions are formed accordingly to provide finding of subscribers within a coverage zone and to minimize intersections of coverage zones for adjacent retranslators. This technique application gives the possibility for receiving statistically optimum arrangement of base stations on the given terrain section that is confirmed by simulation modeling.
Keywords: radio communication range, coverage zones, planning optimization, choice of line items, cellular
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