doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-3-365-372


K. A. Karimov, M. V. Volkov

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Article in Russian

For citation: Karimov K.A., Volkov M.V. Applicability analysis of the phase correlation algorithm for stabilization of video frames sequences for capillary blood flow. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 365–372.

Videocapillaroscopy is a convenient and non-invasive method of blood flow parameters recovery in the capillaries. Capillaries position can vary at recorded video sequences due to the registration features of capillary blood flow. Stabilization algorithm of video capillary blood flow based on phase correlation is proposed and researched. This algorithm is compared to the known algorithms of video frames stabilization with full-frame superposition and with key points. Programs, based on discussed algorithms, are compared under processing the experimentally recorded video sequences of human capillaries and under processing of computer-simulated sequences of video frames with the specified offset. The full-frame superposition algorithm provides high quality of stabilization; however, the program based on this algorithm requires significant computational resources. Software implementation of the algorithm based on the detection of the key points is characterized by good performance, but provides low quality of stabilization for video sequences capillary blood flow. Algorithm based on phase correlation method provides high quality of stabilization and program realization of this algorithm requires minimal computational resources. It is shown that the phase correlation algorithm is the most useful for stabilization of video sequences for capillaries blood flow. Obtained findings can be used in the software for biomedical diagnostics.

Keywords: videocapillaroscopy, stabilization algorithms, phase correlation, capillary blood flow, key points.

Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to employees of the laboratory of peripheral blood circulation and tissue metabolism research (14, Sretensky Boulevard, Moscow) and personally to Konstantin V. Sukhov, the laboratory director, PhD for capillaroscopy materials posted for free access (Internet) and used in this work as the initial data. This work was carried out under the government financial support of the leading universities of the Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01.

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