doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-3-411-417


D. N. Cherkasova, Кузьмина Е.С., D. A. Kuzmin

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For citation: Cherkasova D.N., Kuzmina E.S., Kuzmin D.A. Calculation and research of contact ophthalmic dual application lenses. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 411–417.

Subject of research. Algorithm for calculation of contact ophthalmic lenses for dual application has been suggested based on unified approach for their calculation. The algorithm has been tested on the composition of Goldmann ophthalmic lenses and Panfundoscope lens optical systems. Method. The condition of mutual unambiguous orientation of patient’s eye and instruments is performed at the initial calculation step by face mounting and movement of coordinate table with optical head. Then such type of patient's eye optical system model is selected that the lens would be combined with the front surface of eye cornea optical system. Pupil of patient eye is under anesthesia. At the final calculation step we determine the functions of optical lens image quality and their values based on medical and technical requirements for the components of the complex system. Main results. The algorithm for ophthalmic lenses calculation has been suggested and its correctness has been proved practically on the example of two basic models in the group of such type lenses being applied in practice as a part of complex system with ophthalmic laser coagulators. Optical calculation of Goldmann ophthalmic contact lenses and Panfundoscope is presented. The method of neutralization is optimal for Goldmann lenses. The first component in Panfundoscope operates the position of object planes whereas the second component operates the position of complex system with ophthalmocoagulator's pupils. Computer modeling of complex system "Computer model of eye-ophthalmic lens" in ZEMAX confirmed the correctness of calculation algorithm in which the criteria of diffraction image quality has been used. Application possibility of simplified computer eye model called "Reduced eye" by Verbitskiy has been demonstrated. Practical relevance. The general scientific approach to the problem of synthesis, calculation and research of complex system with contact ophthalmic lenses for diagnostics and laser intervention on the eyeground has been found and confirmed. The results obtained have practical significance for the further development of optical calculation method and optical ophthalmologic instruments such as the fundus camera, wavefront analysers, opthalmoscopes and systems of vision optical correction.

Keywords: ophthalmic lenses, Panfundoscope, Goldmann lens, ophthalmic laser coagulator (ophtalmocoagulator), cycloplegia, "Reduced eye" by Verbitskiy.

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