
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-3-435-442
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Article in Russian
For citation: Yasenko E.A., Chelibanov V.P. Synthesis of multi-layer substrate for observing of hydroxybenzoic acids molecules by SERS. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 435–442.
For citation: Yasenko E.A., Chelibanov V.P. Synthesis of multi-layer substrate for observing of hydroxybenzoic acids molecules by SERS. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 435–442.
Subject of study. The paper deals with the results of the multilayer substrate synthesis having an effect of SERS from hydroxybenzoic acid molecules which are adsorbed on its surface. Methods. To produce SERS substrate we have applied colloid chemistry methods: washing of colloids using a laboratory centrifuge OPn-8, carrying out serial chemical reactions for modifying the surface of semiconductor particles of SiO2 in the solution, determining the maximum of the absorption spectrum of the substrate obtained (in the range from 400 to 1000 nm). To observe hydroxybenzoic acids molecules the method of Raman scattering on OPTEC-785 Video-M spectrometer has been used. Main results. A new method of the substrate chemical synthesis is proposed, which has the effect of SERS by radiationexcitation wavelength of 785 nm, based on micron silica particles with immobilized surface of gold and silver. Raman spectra of hydroxybenzoic acids (Gallic and p-hydroxybenzoic) in free and adsorbed state have been experimentally obtained and interpreted. It was shown that both acids in a crystalline state are in the form of dimers. Also, the presence of a certain group of characteristic bands indicates that the hydroxybenzoic acid is chemically bonded to the substrate surface through an oxygen bridge of deprotonated hydroxyl groups. However, unlike Gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid passes into the monomer form. Practical significance. This technique for enhancing substrate preparation is usable in the laboratory without sophisticated technical equipment. Experimental data on the method of securing the hydroxybenzoic acids and form of their existence on the surface of the substrate will be useful in the design of sensor systems based on them. Characteristic bands of undistorted aromatic ring of hydroxybenzoic acids may also be used in developing
Keywords: SERS, surface modification, Gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, hydroxybenzoic acids.
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