doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-3-457-462


V. A. Aseev, Y. A. Varaksa, E. V. Kolobkova, G. V. Sinitsin, M. A. Khodasevich, A. S. Yasyukevich

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For citation: Aseev V.A., Varaksa Yu.A., Kolobkova E.V., Sinitsyn G.V., Khodasevich M.A., Yasukevich A.S. Comparison of two temperature measurement methods by upconversion fluorescence spectra of erbium-doped lead-fluoride nano-glass-ceramics. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 457–462.

The study and compare of two temperature measurement methods is performed for the case of a lead-fluoride nano-glassceramics in the range from 317 to 423 K with a view to their application to temperature sensors. A method of temperature
measurement by means of violet, green and red upconversion fluorescence spectra regression on latent structures and a method of temperature measurement by two fluorescence bands intensity ratio in green range are considered. It is shown that a four-dimensional space of latent structures is an optimum one in terms of temperature measurement accuracy. It made possible temperature determining with a relative error not larger than 0.15% at temperatures higher than 340 K by making use of fluorescence spectra training set with the step of 10 K. The method using two green bands fluorescence intensity ratio is inferior by the accuracy. Independence of pump power fluctuations is a significant advantage of the second method. To take advantage of the first method a stabilization of the pump power is necessary. The results of the work can be taken into account while developing optical temperature sensors with a better performance (in relation to accuracy and measurement
range) compared to existing ones which utilize temperature redistribution of fluorescence intensities in two closely-spaced bands or temperature dependence of fluorescence lifetime.

Keywords: glass-ceramics, upconversion, erbium, temperature.

Acknowledgements. This work was financially supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation (Agreement № 14-23-00136).

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