Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-3-476-482
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Article in Russian
For citation: Kandyrin Yu.V., Shkurina G.L. Creation of partial orders of variants for selection of optimal alternatives in homogeneous sets. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 476–482.
For citation: Kandyrin Yu.V., Shkurina G.L. Creation of partial orders of variants for selection of optimal alternatives in homogeneous sets. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 476–482.
Subject of consideration. The paper deals with the method for structure creation of the initial set of homogeneous variants in the database adapted to selection task solution according to their target (functional) assignment. This task is actual for the electronic quick reference guides: on materials, components, parts, medicines, etc. which special-purpose designation in homogeneous group is more time-proof, than requirements on admissibility in each new selection task. Method. The offered approach is based on data structure creation representing the partial order of alternatives, designed by unconditional Pareto criterion, from a set of linear or partial orders of variants with smaller dimension. The dimension of quality measures taken into account specifies the partial order dimension, and its structure is predetermined by a special-purpose designation of variants in homogeneous set through taken into account quality measures. The final elements in the partial order graph represent Pareto optimal variants, which need to be tested only on admissibility in each new selection task. The resulting partial order is formed by means of factor sets. Main results. We have worked out the method of data adaptive adjustment on selection task which gives the possibility to start solution at once with Pareto optimal variants only by their admissibility check. The offered approach is much more effective than the traditional one, when in the beginning selection of valid variants is done, and then of the optimal ones, owing to reduction the number of multiple combinatorial criteria comparison in each new selection task. The method efficiency is confirmed by the fact that the power of Pareto optimal variants is always less or equal to the power of initial variants, that is theoretically proved in [1]. It means, that the search of valid variants under the same requirements on smaller power set is always less labour-intensive, than the search of valid variants on the greater power set, owing to the less number of operations of binary comparisons of variants. Practical significance. The results of work are usable at creation of the electronic quick reference guides for standard and generic items, both as part of automated design engineering systems, and at creation of the Helps for managers and suppliers of components and materials. In the first case they are satellite systems, in the second case the off-line ones.
Keywords: multi-criteria selection, structuring of alternatives, adaptive data structure, partial order, linear order, factor sets,
neighborhood of alternatives.
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