doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-3-525-531


I. V. Arkhipov

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For citation: Arkhipov I.V. Genetic algorithm application for multi-criteria scheduling problem. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 3, pp. 525–531.


The paper describes mathematical model and method of task solution for defining an enterprise work performance schedule. Two-stage feedstock processing is supposed to exist at the enterprise. At the first stage the sawing process into semimanufactured products is done. The second stage (finished products manufacturing stage) includes durable processing of obtained semimanufactured products at one of the interchangeable work centers. The sawing process into semimanufactured products is carried out according to a plan, developed in advance and in compliance with technological charts. Scheduling consists of separate cutting calculation and planning of all feedstock cutting with the aim of the most effective specification task performance based on available reserves. Following the cutting plan, an enterprise work performance schedule is created. This schedule consists of the cutting sequence with volume, start and end time, and plan for loading of after-treatment. The solution to this problem becomes more involved due to the necessity of taking into account all features, limitations and parameters of process equipment, as well as of raw material and production orders. Special method based on genetic algorithm has been proposed for handling the problem. The algorithm has been tested on several different realproduction plans. Its efficiency estimation is given. The software systemimplemented on the proposed algorithm has been tested on real operating data of several sawmills. Reduction of machine idle time and incomplete production decrease has been confirmed by the enterprise specialists. 

Keywords: genetic algorithms, dynamic programming, theory of scheduling.

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