
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-4-708-715
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For citation: Batura V.A. Increase of stability at jpeg compression of the digital watermarks embedded in still images. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 4, pp. 708-715.
For citation: Batura V.A. Increase of stability at jpeg compression of the digital watermarks embedded in still images. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 4, pp. 708-715.
Subject of Research. The paper deals with creation and research of method for increasing stability at JPEG compressing of digital watermarks embedded in still images. Method. A new algorithm of digital watermarking for still images which embeds digital watermark into a still image via modification of frequency coefficients for Hadamard discrete transformation is presented. The choice of frequency coefficients for embedding of a digital watermark is based on existence of sharp change of their values after modification at the maximum compression of JPEG. The choice of blocks of pixels for embedding is based on the value of their entropy. The new algorithm was subjected to the analysis of resistance to an image compression, noising, filtration, change of size, color and histogram equalization. Elham algorithm possessing a good resistance to JPEG compression was chosen for comparative analysis. Nine gray-scale images were selected as objects for protection. Obscurity of the distortions embedded in them was defined on the basis of the peak value of a signal to noise ratio which should be not lower than 43 dB for obscurity of the brought distortions. Resistibility of embedded watermark was determined by the Pearson correlation coefficient, which value should not be below 0.5 for the minimum allowed stability. The algorithm of computing experiment comprises: watermark embedding into each test image by the new algorithm and Elham algorithm; introducing distortions to the object of protection; extracting of embedded information with its subsequent comparison with the original. Parameters of the algorithms were chosen so as to provide approximately the same level of distortions introduced into the images. Main Results. The method of preliminary processing of digital watermark presented in the paper makes it possible to reduce significantly the volume of information embedded in the still image. The results of numerical experiment have shown that the proposed algorithm keeps higher resistance to JPEG compression, noising, Wiener filtering
and brightness change. Practical Relevance. The proposed algorithm is applicable for copyright protection on the still images.
Keywords: Hadamard transformation, digital watermarking, JPEG compression, digital watermark, steganography.
Acknowledgements. The author expresses gratitude to A.Yu. Tropchenko, D.Sc., Professor of Chair of Computation Technologies, ITMO University, for useful recommendations when carrying out research.
Acknowledgements. The author expresses gratitude to A.Yu. Tropchenko, D.Sc., Professor of Chair of Computation Technologies, ITMO University, for useful recommendations when carrying out research.
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