Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-1-46-53
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For citation: Lazarenko V.P., Dzhamiykov T.S., Korotaev V.V., Yarishev S.N. Method for creation of spherical panoramas from images obtained by omnidirectional optoelectronic systems. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 46–53.
Subject of Study. The key feature of spherical panoramas is the maximum possible angle of view (360 × 180 degrees). Omnidirectional optical-electronic systems are able to produce images that show most of this space, but these images are different from the canonical spherical panoramas. This paper proposes a method of converting the circular images obtained by omnidirectional optical systems, to canonical spherical panoramic images with the use ofcalibration procedure of omnidirectional optical-electronic system. Method. The process of spherical panoramas creation consists of three steps.The first step includesthe forming of virtual surface in the object space corresponding to a field of view of the spherical panorama. The surface is defined by the three-dimensional array of pixels.At the second step the coordinates of images of these points in the plane of the detectorare specified. At the third step pixel-by-pixel forming of the output imageisperformed from the original omnidirectional image with the use of coordinates obtained at the second step. Main Results. We have considered the geometric projectionmodel of spherical panoramas. The algorithm has been proposed calculating the three-dimensional array of pixels, characterizing the field of view of a spherical panorama and convenient for practical usage. The developed method is designed to work with omnidirectional optical-electronic systems both with catadioptric optical systems and with fisheye lens. Experimental results confirming the validity of this method are presented. The reprojection mean-square error was equal to 0.794 px. Practical Relevance. The proposed method can be applied in technologies of creating of virtual tours or panoramas of streets where spherical panoramic images are the standard for storing visual information. The method may also find its application in various fields of robotics, orientation and navigation of space vehicles and UAVs.
Acknowledgements. This work was partially financially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, Grant 074-U01.
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