doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-3-506-512


I. S. Pantiukhin, I. A. Zikratov, A. B. Levina

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For citation: Pantiukhin I.S., Zikratov I.A., Levina A.B. Graph-based post incident internal audit method of computer equipment. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 506–512. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-3-506-512


Graph-based post incident internal audit method of computer equipment is proposed. The essence of the proposed solution consists in the establishing of relationships among hard disk damps (image), RAM and network. This method is intended for description of information security incident properties during the internal post incident audit of computer equipment. Hard disk damps receiving and formation process takes place at the first step. It is followed by separation of these damps into the set of components. The set of components includes a large set of attributes that forms the basis for the formation of the graph. Separated data is recorded into the non-relational database management system (NoSQL) that is adapted for graph storage, fast access and processing. Damps linking application method is applied at the final step. The presented method gives the possibility to human expert in information security or computer forensics for more precise, informative internal audit of computer equipment. The proposed method allows reducing the time spent on internal audit of computer equipment, increasing accuracy and informativeness of such audit. The method has a development potential and can be applied along with the other components in the tasks of users’ identification and computer forensics.

Keywords: method, internal audit, information security, graphs, computer forensics


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