Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-5-831-838
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For citation: Bogatyrev V.A., Karmanovsky N.S., Poptcova N.A., Parshutin S.A., Voroninа D.A., Bogatyrev S.V. Simulation model for design support of infocomm redundant systems. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 831–838. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-5-831-838
Subject of Research. The paper deals with the effectiveness of multipath transfer of request copies through the network and their redundant service without the use of laborious analytical modeling. The model and support tools for the design of highly reliable distributed systems based on simulation modeling have been created. Method. The effectiveness of many variants of service organization and delivery through the network to the query servers is formed and analyzed. Options for providing redundant service and delivery via the network to the servers of request copies are also considered. The choice of variants for the distribution and service of requests is carried out taking into account the criticality of queries to the time of their stay in the system. The request is considered successful if at least one of its copies is accurately delivered to the working server, ready to service the request received through a network, if it is fulfilled in the set time. Efficiency analysis of the redundant transmission and service of requests is based on the model built in AnyLogic 7 simulation environment. Main Results. Simulation experiments based on the proposed models have shown the effectiveness of redundant transmission of copies of queries (packets) to the servers in the cluster through multiple paths with redundant service of request copies by a group of servers in the cluster. It is shown that this solution allows increasing the probability of exact execution of at least one copy of the request within the required time. We have carried out efficiency evaluation of destruction of outdated request copies in the queues of network nodes and the cluster. We have analyzed options for network implementation of multipath transfer of request copies to the servers in the cluster over disjoint paths, possibly different according to the number of their constituent nodes. Practical Relevance. The proposed simulation models can be used when selecting the optimal design solutions for the redundant transmission and maintenance of requests time-critical for stay in information and communication system.
Acknowledgements. The work is carried out within the framework of scientific research with master's students and postgraduates of the Department of computing.
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