Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-6-996-1003
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For citation: Arkhipov R.M., Arkhipov M.V, Babushkin I.V., Rosanov N.N. Compression of few-cycle optical pulses and unipolar pulse generation due to coherent interaction with nonlinear resonant medium. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 996–1003. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-6-996-1003
We study theoretically the possibility of few-cycle short bipolar optical pulse compression and their transformation to unipolar pulses due to coherent interaction with resonance absorbing medium. It is shown that single-cycle pulse compression occurs when each half-wave starts to behave as an independent unipolar soliton. These solitons are attracted to each other under certain conditions, that leads to the emergence of single-cycle pulse of shorter duration. Numerical simulations revealed 3-5 times reduction of the pulse duration. The substantial absence of light loss in this scheme gives the possibility to create a multistage passive system of three resonance absorbers and results in a 125-time reduction of the pulse duration. Generation of unipolar pulses occurs when two powerful extremely short bipolar pulses propagate and collide in a dense resonant medium. In this case, as shown by numerical calculations, the mutual influence of oncoming solitons leads to the fact that some part of them is destroyed and another part is not. A high power unipolar soliton and low intensity bipolar optical ringing are observed in the medium output.
Acknowledgements. The study was carried out under financial support of the Russian Federation Government (074-U01), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (16-02-00762), German Research Foundation (DFG) (project BA 4156/4-1), and Nieders. Vorab (project ZN3061).
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