doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-2-312-317


A. I. Stolyarov, J. V. Donetskaya, Y. A. Gatchin

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Article in Russian

For citation: Stolyarov A.I., Donetskaya J.V., Gatchin Yu.A. Formation features of the complex electronic structure in instrument engineering. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 312–317 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-2-312-317


The paper deals with study of structure features of industrial products complex in instrument engineering and mechanical engineering as the most complicated type of products, characterized by highly branched and multi-level structure. We consider the product structure (assembly unit, kit, complex) in the form of a set of electronic design documents, containing its description. The increasing of products complexity leads to changes in interaction procedures between the developers at the stages of its life cycle, based on the use of data management systems (PDM – Product Data Management). We show that there are a variety of relationships (links) between the component parts of the product (including such complicated product as a complex), dependent on the availability of certain component parts (the structure of the complex). In this case the way of presenting information in the form of the product electronic structure is changed. Analysis of the relations between its structural composite parts based on research of the complex complexity is carried out; the features and ways of representing the electronic structure of the complex in a multi-level list and the graph are shown. We propose to distinguish the products included in the complex between complexing and auxiliary ones, characterized by the main, auxiliary, design or functional type of links. Implementation of the proposed approaches gives the possibility to solve problems of formation and submission of electronic design documentation by means of PDM-systems and to increase the level of interaction between contractors, subcontractors and customers when designing new products.

Keywords: product type, complex, complicated product, product structure, product components, links, product electronic structure, PES, PDM

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