doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-3-552-558


O. I. Kutuzov, T. M. Tatarnikova

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Article in Russian

For citation: Kutuzov O.I., Tatarnikova T.M. On the simulation paradigm analysis. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 552–558 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-3-552-558


Subject of Study.We discuss implementation features of the system time promotion in existing simulation paradigms: discrete event, dynamic, system dynamics and multi-agent approach. In the models with continuous processes the value of the promotion step in time is proposed to be chosen according to the Nyquist-Kotelnikov theorem. Methods. The assignment of the system time promotion step is based on cyclic sampling with a constant Dtor a random step. A fixed step is used for dynamic modeling and system dynamics. With discrete-event and agent modeling, both fixed and random steps of the system time promotion are used. When constructing the "mover" of the system time, two main schemes for creation of modeling algorithms are used: the scheme of events and the scheme of processes; the first scheme is used for discrete-event modeling, and the second one for multi-agent modeling. In both cases, the promotion of the system time is performed according to the principle of "special" moments. To determine the next "special" moment, a calendar is used where the closest time of this event is specified for each type of event. Main Results. We have shown the unity of four simulation modeling versions: discrete-event, dynamic, system dynamics and multi-agent. We have substantiated a formalized approach to the choice of the system time promotion step. The schemes of events and processes are compared, realizing different approaches to modeling algorithm creation. Practical Relevance. The unity of paradigms contributes to the implementation of the integrated simulation environment. Recommendations for choosing a step in the system time promotion, given in the paper, enable to speed up the process of modeling and save computing resources.

Keywords: simulation modeling, simulator, system time promotion step, events calendar, scheme of processes and events, randomness simulation, acceleration

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