doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-4-612-619


V. A. Loparev, S. S. Kiselev, M. M. Shilin

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Article in Russian

For citation: Loparev V.A., Kiselev S.S., Shilin M.M. Winding method selection for technical implementation of fiber optic communication line for high-speed object. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 612–619 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-4-612-619


The paper deals with fiber-optical cable winding methods for realization of fiber-optic communication line with high-speed object. We consider possible options of coils for optical cable winding providing mobility of one of the cable ends on an object. It is shown that the choice of a winding process is caused by the need of ensuring the minimum deformation of fiber-optical micro cable in case of separation from a winding body. It is revealed that the minimum tension value and its unevenness are observed when reeling from coils with a rocket form. Design ratios for determination of winding parameters are given. It is shown that reduction of tension unevenness reduces the jumps of internal tension and probability of break and emergence of optical signal local attenuation. Decrease in internal stresses occurs due to the absence of overlapping of the coils of the underlying layers with the overlying ones. To confirm the operability and the possibility of constructive implementation of the selected winding scheme, experiments were carried out to perform rocket and other types of winding with the use of a specially designed machine model. It is shown that the application of line rocket winding enables to achieve stability when reeling a cable during the movement and excludes breaks. Attenuation of optical signal decreases due to the increase in the bend minimum radius. This phenomenon is explained by reduction of the internal stresses causing optical signal attenuation in the place of cable separation from the coil.        

Keywords: winding scheme, fiber-optic communication lines, high-speed object, unwinding, coil

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