doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-775-781


D. A. Egorova, A. V. Kulikov, A. B. Mukhtubayev

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Article in Russian

For citation: D.A., Kulikov A.V., Mukhtubaev A.B. Method and technology of delivering optical radiation to biological micro-objects. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 775–781 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-775-781


Subject of Research. We propose a method and technology of delivering optical radiation to biological single micro-objects at wavelength equal to 650 nm. The delivering optical radiation is implemented by a fiber optic system that is a standard optical fiber with a reduced diameter at the output end (cone optical fiber, or fiber optic taper). Method. The method essence appears as the creation of a fiber optic system for delivering optical radiation. A sampling method of fiber optic tapers by a fusion splicer for optical fibers is proposed in this paper. The process of protective coating formation, opaque to optical radiation exiting through the side surface of the fiber taper, is described. The end of the fiber optic taper is prepared to obtain a uniform intensity distribution of the outgoing optical radiation. The study of the divergence of optical radiation exiting from the taper end is carried out. Main Results. The proposed method has enabled creation of a fiber-optic taper with a waist diameter of 15±5 μm. The carried out study of optical radiation divergence has shown that the field diameter at a distance of not more than 200 μm to the micro-object is approximately 19 μm and does not exceed the taper waist diameter. Practical Relevance. Unlike other existing methods of delivering optical radiation, a fiber taper with a waist diameter of 15 ± 5 μm provides an impact not only on individual cells but also specific regions of cells with the size that exceeds the taper waist diameter. With the help of the manipulator, the end of the fiber taper can be placed into the required area without overlapping the object to the required distance directly in the environment where biological objects are located (cell cultures).

Keywords: biological membrane ionic permeability, fiber optic taper, cone optic fiber, delivering optical radiation, biological objects irradiation, laser radiation divergence

Acknowledgements. Personal thanks are expressed to Professor N.V. Nikonorov and his scientific team for their help with the work on the deposition of titanium dioxide. This work has been done at the ITMO University and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (the project № 03.G25.31.0245).

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