doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-890-895


S. A. Arkhipov, G. Y. Puerov, E. I. Sergeeva

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Article in Russian

For citation: Arkhipov S.A., Puerov G.Y., Sergeeva E.I. Detection of hydro-acoustic communication signal by energy algorithm in low frequency passive mode. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 890–895 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-890-895


Subject of Research. The paper deals with the possibility of the algorithm execution for the purpose of energy detection of hydro-acoustic communication synchronization signal and its software implementation in a multiprocessor system for processing of hydro-acoustic signals. The result of this algorithm is the detection of hydro-acoustic communication synchronization signal and the definition of its spatial channel for the further implementation of communication session. Method. The essence of the proposed solution lies in comparing the signal energy in a given frequency band with the signal energy outside the specified frequency band. The synchronization signal is emitted in the mode of hydro-acoustic communication before transmission of data block of signals. It gives the possibility to define the modem frequency range and the spatial channel to be connected to the modem, and calculate the ratio of Doppler distortion. The chosen energy algorithm for detection of hydro-acoustic communication signal is not critical to computational resources that are limited in real-time systems. Main Results. The algorithm is implemented for "KOMDIV 128 RIO" signal processor. To test the functionality of the developed software for detection of timing signal, a software simulator was created enabling the generation of hydro-acoustic communication signal at the input of the receiving elements. Testing with the simulator showed the possibility of syncronization signal detection. Practical Relevance. The considered algorithm of hydro-acoustic communication signal detection is implemented in the software of a multiprocessor system for processing of hydro-acoustic signals.

Keywords: hydro-acoustic signal processing, hydro-acoustic communication, digital signal processor (DSP), real-time systems, hydro-acoustic signal software simulator

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