Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-910-919
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For citation: Ukolov A.I., Rodionov V.P., Starovoytov P.P. Simulation of centrifugal pump impeller with maximum cavitation effect. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 910–919 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-5-910-919
Subject of Research. We consider the possibility of cavitation phenomenon stimulating in blade machines for the purpose of the pumped liquid processing. The paper presents numerical analysis of geometry influence of the motor centrifugal pump on the cavitation cavity formation in the inter blade space of its impeller. Methods. We usethe capabilities of the ANSYS Workbench software package for finite element analysis and the integrated module ANSYS CFX for optimizing the process of development and technological preparation in the field of computational dynamics of liquids and gases. Main Results.The impeller design for a motor centrifugal pump has been developed with characteristics similar to this type of device. The constructed geometric model is compact in size, has the right pressure distribution in the impeller cross section and is not subjected to cavitation at a given operating mode. It is shown that cavitation occurs at the anterior edge of the blade with a relative increase in the outer radius of the impeller or a decrease in its width within the range of 12-50% in comparison with a model close to the necessary for stable operation, and it is followed by the growth throughout the volume of the flowing part of the pump. Practical Relevance. This kind of pump can be used as a hydrodynamic machine to intensify many chemical and technological processes due to cavitation effect, as early as the stage of the liquid pumping.
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