doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-6-1123-1132


V. M. Medunetskiy, B. S. Padun, V. V. Nikolaev

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Article in Russian

For citation: Medunetskiy V.M., Padun B.S., Nikolaev V.V. Special design aspects of gripping devices for increasing the flexibility of automated and robotic manufacturing lines at instrument manufacturing facilities. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics , 2017, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1123–1132 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-6-1123-1132

The paper deals with the tasks of increasing manufacturing flexibility of automated production lines on the example of microlens assembly automation. Consideration was given to peculiarities of building an automated microlens assembly line and to specifications of the basic microlens design. Weight and dimensional parameters of the basic microlens main units were analyzed and systematized. It was noted that the range of items produced by the automated line and its manufacturing flexibility are substantially influenced by the design of universal arm grippers interoperating with microlens parts and assemblies in the process of automated assembly that gives the possibility to cover an entire range of microlenses. Designs of known industrial grippers were reviewed and an analysis was provided as to the possibility of their application for the automated microlens assembly line. The analysis resulted in two alternative schemes proposed for building a universal gripper. A developed and proved out methodology of qualitative-quantitative assessment of technical solutions was used. This methodology is intended for mechanical system developers, who make a justified choice of technical solutions from a variety of alternatives, and is aimed to raise the quality level of technical products being designed that are introduced at the design stages. Following the presented methodology, the qualitative-quantitative assessment of two proposed gripper variants was carried out, and the third universal gripper construction variant was put forward based on its analysis. Specific universal gripper design for an automated microlens assembly line was proposed.

Keywords: automated microlens assembly, manufacturing flexibility increase, universal gripper, technical solutions comparison

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