doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-2-307-312


O. V. Schekochikhin

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Article in Russian

For citation: Schekochikhin O.V. Object-process data model for service-oriented architecture of integrated information systems. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2018, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 307–312 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-2-307-312


The necessity of service-oriented architecture application in an integrated information system design is substantiated. It is proposed to use a multi-layer data bus for the interaction of independent applications. An object-process data model is considered that implements information support for process control. A distinctive feature of the proposed model from the relational one is that the data are stored not in the form of tables, but are organized in the form of hierarchical and network structures. The data source is represented by the indicators of business processes. Business processes determine the order and procedures for the use of applications of the integrated information system. A formal mathematical description is given for the basic models of objects and processes on the basis of the predicate calculus in the form of an algebraic system. The structure of a specialized language is presented for describing and manipulating of data in an integrated information system with a Service-Based Data Manipulation Language (SBDML). The SBDML language has two components: a language for data structure describing, and a language for data retrieving and updating. The first language component contains a description of simple and complex data types. Complex types are represented in the form of tree structures. The second language component contains a description of data manipulation functions that support the interaction of applications with the data bus.

Keywords: integrated information system, service-oriented architecture, object-process data model, data manipulation language, data bus

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