
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-3-407-415
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Article in Russian
For citation: Zhukov M.V., Ampilogova E.A., Volkova A.V., Marchenko M.A., Ishmuratov D.M., Korovaytseva A.E. Fabrication of active additive to shampoos based on different nature nanoparticles. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 407–415 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-3-407-415
For citation: Zhukov M.V., Ampilogova E.A., Volkova A.V., Marchenko M.A., Ishmuratov D.M., Korovaytseva A.E. Fabrication of active additive to shampoos based on different nature nanoparticles. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 407–415 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-3-407-415
Subject of Research.We developed additives to shampoos based on different nature nanoparticles with micro- and nanoscale spatial resolution. The effect of the obtained nano-additives on the surface structure of hair fibers were studied. The aim of this work was to fabricate additive complexes of nanoparticles with various nature for shampoos and study of their effect on the hair cuticle structure by optical and atomic-force microscopy. Methods. The methods of chemical separation of elements, centrifugation, laser ablation, optical and atomic-force microscopy were used in the work. Main Results. The various types of hair structures were studied, such as normal, greasy, dry and animal hair, using optical and atomic-force microscopes. Сolloidal solutions of metals and their compounds were prepared (Ag, Au, Cu, Fe, Zn, Si, S, MoO3). Two types of additives for shampoos were fabricated: for greasy/normal and dry hair. The effectiveness of fabricated shampoo additives with complexes of different nature nanoparticles was shown. Practical Relevance. The development of new shampoos with the complexes of nanoparticles will increase the effectiveness of traditional types of shampoos, in particular, the recovery and maintenance of normal hair structure
Keywords: hair, cuticle, shampoo, nanoparticles, probe, atomic-force microscopy, optical microscopy
Acknowledgements. The studies were carried out based on the educational project at the "Sirius" Educational Center in the course of "Microworld and Microscopy". The research manager of the course was A.O. Golubok, D.Sc., the project research head – M.V. Zhukov. The authors are grateful to the "Sirius" Educational Center, ITMO University for assistance in the preparation of colloidal nanoparticle solutions and for the equipment provided. The authors express special gratitude to M.S. Mukhin, I.S. Mukhin, A.O. Golubok and E.Yu. Tiguntseva for the assistance in the project.
Acknowledgements. The studies were carried out based on the educational project at the "Sirius" Educational Center in the course of "Microworld and Microscopy". The research manager of the course was A.O. Golubok, D.Sc., the project research head – M.V. Zhukov. The authors are grateful to the "Sirius" Educational Center, ITMO University for assistance in the preparation of colloidal nanoparticle solutions and for the equipment provided. The authors express special gratitude to M.S. Mukhin, I.S. Mukhin, A.O. Golubok and E.Yu. Tiguntseva for the assistance in the project.
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