doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-5-878-886


A. I. Shapovalova, N. F. Gusarova, N. V. Dobrenko, A. S. Vatyan, A. A. Lobantsev, N. G. Nigmatullin, A. T. Vasiliev, N. V. Vedernikov

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For citation:
Shapovalova A.I., Gusarova N.F., Dobrenko N.V., Vatyan A.S., Lobantsev A.A., Nigmatullin N.V., Vasiliev A.T., Vedernikov N.V. Research of emoji role in online community. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2018, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 878–886 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-5-878-886

Subject of Research.The results of emoji research are presented. Emoji are small electronic symbolic images used for expression of emotions and thoughts in an electronic message. We performed a search for dependencies between the use of emoji in messages and the degree of attention they attract. The main attention in the study is given to the Russian-speaking Internet community. Method. "VKontakte" social network and its four most popular thematic areas were chosen for the study. By structure research of the communities taken for the study, obvious indicators of the person's response to a post were highlighted. The graphs of the emotion frequency ratio in the post and the interest in it were constructed. Main Results. Adecreasing tendency is observed forthe interest in the post with the increase in the frequency of emoji for all types of communities. The greatest response was given to the posts that did not contain emoji. They made up the bulk of the researched array. Fan communities have become an exception: they are also the subject to this trend, but the process of interest decreasing is slower than in the similar posts of other orientations. Entertaining and motivational communities also contain peaks of slow decline of interest, but they are less clear and less frequent. Practical Relevance. Obtained research results give the possibility not only to understand the current trends in the use of emoji in "VKontakte" Russian-language social network, the dynamics and distribution of their use, but also the psychological perception of emoji by a person. The dependence was revealed between the use of emoji in messages and the degree of attracted attention. It shows how the use of emoji affects the perception of various kinds of information.

Keywords: social interaction, Internet communication, emotions, motivation level, fan/educational/entertaining/motivational communities

Acknowledgements. The work was supported by SRR-FUND 617042 at ITMO University.

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