doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-1-102-108


A. A. Matveeva, Y. V. Kim, I. I. Viksnin

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Article in Russian

For citation:
Matveeva A.A., Kim I.V., Viksnin I.I. Information security methods for communication channels in multiagent robotic systems.Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics , 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 102–108 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-1-102-108


The paper presents the study of multi-agent robotic systems in the context of information security providing. The preference is given to decentralized collective strategy of group management due to secure and consensual agent interaction by common communication channel. For the correct and effective functioning of the robotic group there is a necessity in providing security of information transfer via communication channels. We consider the mechanisms of “hard” and “soft” security in robotic systems. Special consideration is given to pragmatic information integrity maintenance. To avoid violation occurrence in this integrity category the method based on credit theory was developed. The method implies regulation of information volume transferred by agents through determination of fixed amount for information conventional units per time unit (installment plan). In case of data retention by an agent its payment value is reduced subsequently, thus, its indebtedness is increased. After installment plan period completion agent’s level of trust and reputation is calculated for each agent. When a new agent is incorporated into the group the credit is determined, at which the new agent will get not full information from the other group members but information reduced by the established interest rate. At the same time, this agent must transmit data in accordance with predetermined installment plan conditions. After credit period completion the decision is made whether the new agent is accepted or blocked. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed method the interaction in robotic group consisted of ten agents was modelled. Two new agents were introduced into the group, and one of them was a saboteur. The threshold value of indebtedness for the agent's acceptance to the group is the half of established credit size. Series of independent tests were carried out and the saboteur was blocked in the 90.8 % of them.

Keywords: decentralized collective management, multi-agent robotic systems, credit theory, pragmatic integrity, information security

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