doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-2-280-291


A. Y. Grishentsev, S. A. Arustamov, A. G. Korobeynikov, O. V. Kozin

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For citation:
Grishentsev A.Yu., Arustamov S.A., Korobeynikov A.G., Kozin O.V. Orthogonal noise-like signal symbols for broadband channel protection. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 2,  pp. 280–291 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-2-280-291


The paper deals with development and analysis of particular case in a complex protection for a channel where radio messages are exchanged on the basis of mutually orthogonal signal broadband characters and alphabets based on them. The object of study is a method of secure broadband channel organization using orthogonal noise-like signal symbols. The signal broadband symbols have been synthesized in the frequency domain based on pseudo-random sequences with the subsequent orthogonalization by the Gram-Schmidt method of transformation into pre-defined spectral components of the signal symbols and subsequent transformation into the time domain with the aid of the inverse fast Fourier transform. We have proposed to deploy and explore the complex secrecy approach comprising information, structural and energy secrecies. Information secrecy is brought into action with a single use of symbols retrieved out of a certain set of alphabets. Structural secrecy is reached by deployment of signal messages filtering in the area of signal symbols merge that makes difficult to determine the duration of individual signal symbols and message separation in individual signal symbols. Therefore, the decoding of entire message becomes more difficult. Energy secrecy is ensured by hiding the radio signal in the radio noise. We have carried out modeling and analysis of information, structural and energy secrecy. Practical importance of the work lies in increasing the level of protection for broadband communication channels based of the method we proposed.  The conclusions have been set up in final part of the paper.

Keywords: information security, broadband communication, orthogonal signal symbols, radio-encryption, radio-stenography, radio-electronic countering

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