doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-2-380-385


O. V. Doronin, K. I. Dergun, A. M. Dergachev, A. O. Klyuchev

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Article in Russian

For citation:

Doronin O.V., Dergun K.I., Dergachev A.M., Kluchev A.O. Program code optimization of Relacy Race Detector library. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 2,  pp. 380–385 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-2-380-385


The paper presents the results of Relacy Race Detector (RRD) library research as applied to the problem of multithreaded code testing. The study revealed several shortcomings of the RRD library. They are: a static number of threads, complex project structure, errors in implementation and lack of support for snapshots. The work has corrected the shortcomings described above and presented a new approach for the atomic snapshot of multiple threads using fork and fiber mechanisms. With the application of these results and implemented changes it is now easier to use the RRD library for multithreaded applications testing.

Keywords: multithreading, data races, Relacy Race Detector, thread scheduler, lock-free algorithms, testing applications, operating system, fiber

Acknowledgements. The authors express personal thanks to D. Vyukov (developer of the Relacy Race Detector library), M. Khizhinsky (developer of the libcds library) and E. Kalishenko for discussion, critique and suggestions in the process of research.

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