doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-622-629


M. I. Evstigneev, Y. V. Litvinov, V. V. Mazulina

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Article in Russian

For citation:
Evstigneev M.I., Litvinov Yu.V., Mazulina V.V. Localization of mobile robot with particle filter at detection and segmentation of objects. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 622–629 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-622-629


Subject of Research. The paper presents a method for mobile robot localization using a particle filter (Monte-Carlo method) based on computer vision. The localization algorithm uses distinctive landmarks that are understandable to a man. Semantic information is used in the motion model with and without range data. Method. The operation principle of the modified localization algorithm lies in applying high-level semantic prompts. Instead of squeezing the floor plan into the third dimension, the three-dimensional world is convolved into a two-dimensional representation and a sample of high-level discriminatory landmarks. This approach is used to represent global localization, which relies exclusively on semantic labels present in the floor plan and extracted from RGB images. Main Results. We demonstrate that localization with segmentation of objects, based on distinctive landmarks, is an effective alternative to traditional scanning. The study is performed in a floor plan data set, and several approaches are compared in terms of qualitative and quantitative localization at room level and global localization. It is shown that semantic information complements modern methods, ensuring that errors are reduced to 35 %. Practical Relevance. We have presented a new structure of perception and localization which uses semantic data and information about distances. The new platform can be used for localization as superior to traditional algorithms based on the Monte Carlo method.

Keywords: robot localization, SLAM, technical vision, particle filter, neural networks

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