Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-680-688
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For citation:
Zubkova T.M., Tagirova L.F., Таgirоv V.K. Prototyping of adaptive user application programming interfaces by artificial intelligence methods. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 680–688 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-680-688
Subject of Research. The paper presents research on the development of the application software user interface with the use of artificial intelligence elements. A technique is created for development of adaptive application programming interfaces based on assessment of the users’ professional qualities, psychophysiological features and emotional state. The program system is developed and implemented capable of selecting the application programming interface with regard to the users’ audience and the user’s specific state. The analysis of works on this problem is carried out. As a result, it is revealed that while the user’s model and the interface prototype creation the authors were limited to assessment of computer skills and domain knowledge, but the user’s emotional state and psychophysiological features were not considered. Method. Indistinct expert system with a core in the form of the production model of knowledge representation is used for implementation of program system analytical part. The group of experts is created and ranging of users’ characteristics is implemented at a preliminary stage. The rule base of expert system production model is developed which chooses the most suitable prototype of interface template on the basis of assessment results of users’ characteristics and their emotional state. Main Results. Application of artificial intelligence methods gives the possibility to design user’s interfaces at higher qualitative level. The implemented adaptive interface provides convenient interaction of the user with a program system and reduces the number of wrong specialists’ actions. Practical Relevance. The developed program system for design of adaptive users’ interfaces can be used at application software design in various areas of interests for wide users’ audience.
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