doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-697-703


R. Palacios López, A. Ramírez Reivich, A. Balsa Yepes

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For citation:
Palacios López R., Ramírez Reivich A.C., Balsa Yepes A. Interactive device for tourist viewpoints. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 697–703 (in Russian).
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-697-703


The paper presents the results of an interactive device design specially conceived for viewpoints on the example of Saint Petersburg city. We describe theoretically functionality of the corresponding device. An interactive window is created that shows information on the main visible landmarks under the user’s request. Information from 81 viewpoint visitors (users) is gathered and analyzed through the “Voice of the Customer (VoC)” method. Interactive device model is developed, and it consists of a touch, a sight position sensor, a glass and a transparent screen. Interconnection with the device is proposed in the design process. The user sees a landmark he is interested in and points at it by touching the device glass with one finger. The designed device performs a number of functions: displaying images on a transparent screen, determining which tourist attraction the user is pointing to, and controlling the camera. The screen works in three modes. With the first mode, the pictures of attractions and information about city landmarks on request are displayed in different languages. The second mode provides a full view of the attractions in full size, so that the user has the opportunity to consider as many details as possible and make a few pictures available for download. The third mode provides the user with a short message containing information about the place of interest, and it can be attached to photos. Testing has shown that transparent screens can be in demand among large manufacturers. The study can become the basis for more complex works on the study of interactive communication.

Keywords: interactive device, transparent screen, viewpoints, human-machine interaction, tourism, eye-tracking

Acknowledgements. This study was carried out as part of a grant from the National Science and Technology Council of Mexico.

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