
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-2-193-199
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Verkhovskaia Ia.I., Prokopenko V.T. Amber identification by Fourier Transform –Raman spectroscopy. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2020, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 193–199 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-2-193-199
Subject of Research. We present a solution to the problem of amber (succinite) identification as an example of natural polymer material of organic origin. The solution is based on the obtained Raman spectra. The proposed method makes it possible to obtain both real and elemental compositions. Method. The study of succinite spectra was performed by the method of Raman spectroscopy (Fourier Transform–Raman spectroscopy). Renishaw InVia Reflex equipment with a Leica DMLM microscope was used for the study. Samples of amber from the Palmniken Deposit from Kaliningrad in the Russian Federation were used as the objects under study. Samples of various degrees of transparency were selected. Main Results. The Raman spectroscopy data for the Raman scattering spectra of succinite are obtained and presented in comparison. It was found that succinite (amber) of the Palmniken Deposit from Kaliningrad is an organic unsaturated carbon–chain homopolymer with various valence oscillations of aliphatic CH2- and CH3-groups, containing heteroatoms C=C and CH in the main chain with valence in RNS=CH2 and deformation in trans RHC=CHR′ oscillations with chemical side chains of up to 8 subgroups. Three main connections are experimentally identified on the obtained Raman spectra, which can be used as characteristic features for identification and diagnostics of the Palmniken Deposit succinite. Practical Relevance. The proposed method can be of interest in the field of the theory of science materials knowledge, research related to the identification processes, processing of production of amber products. The performed research is applicable in the synthesis of high–molecular compounds, in issues related to the development and spread of various applications of organic materials, in particular, succinite.
Keywords: Raman spectra, Fourier Transform–Raman spectroscopy, amber, succinite
Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful for the contribution and comprehensive support in the preparing and carrying out of this study: Zhukova L.T., Professor, Director of Decorative and Applied Arts Institute, Ivanov M.A., Professor, Head of Mineralogy, Crystallography and Petrography Department of Mining University, Vasilyev E.A., PhD, Leading Engineer of Mineralogy, Crystallography and Petrography Department of Mining University, Potapov A.I., Professor, Head of Instrument Engineering Department of Mining University
Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful for the contribution and comprehensive support in the preparing and carrying out of this study: Zhukova L.T., Professor, Director of Decorative and Applied Arts Institute, Ivanov M.A., Professor, Head of Mineralogy, Crystallography and Petrography Department of Mining University, Vasilyev E.A., PhD, Leading Engineer of Mineralogy, Crystallography and Petrography Department of Mining University, Potapov A.I., Professor, Head of Instrument Engineering Department of Mining University
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