doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-2-283-289


A. Y. Kutin, G. P. Aryasov

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Article in Russian

For citation:
Kutin A.Yu., Aryasov G.P. Modeling of winding process of composite cylindrical shells. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2020, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 283–289 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-2-283-289

Subject of Research. The paper presents a review of an effective filament winding method for hollow composite products manufacturing (tubes and containers). Finished products are lightweight, durable and widely used in industry. However, this method has significant drawbacks. The tension of the surface layer and the tension of the inner layers can differ significantly for the formed products. This effect is also observed when the tension of the wound material is regulated. Another significant disadvantage of technology is the change in the cross-sectional diameter of the product in the end zone, where the backward motion of the movable trolley with filaments (tape) is performed. Due to these shortcomings, there are deviations in the winding density and other indicators of the stress-strain state from the planned values. Method. We offer an original method for controlling the radial increment of the composite winding and its density to eliminate mentioned above drawbacks. The method is based on a composite winding model. The model is developed in view of the following representation: the trajectory of the winding-on point is a spiral in a section perpendicular to the axis of the mandrel rotation. The specified winding density, the normalized increment of the winding radius and the change in the angular velocity of the mandrel in the end zones are determined by this model. The model analysis shows that actual speed of the winding point should be equal to the theoretical one for the deterministic winding process. If this condition is met, then all other technological parameters (radius, length, density) will be reproduced on the basis of pre-known functions. It is advisable to maintain the equality between the actual winding radius and theoretical winding radius for the practical implementation of the control algorithm winding process. If this condition is implemented, then the process of material winding will be predictable. Main Results. A control device for the winding process implementing this method is designed. The device provides an action on the winding with variable force, adequately responding to random disturbances and maintaining equality between the actual and calculated winding radii. The Simulink application, an integral part of the Matlab application package, is used for control device modeling. Practical Relevance. The proposed efficient solution for the control composite winding density provides stabilization of the stress-strain state of the cylindrical composite products by changing the radial increment of the winding layers and preventing the effect of the random factors and, consequently, increases production efficiency.

Keywords: composite material, circumferential winding, thread tension, composite winding density control

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