doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-3-438-445


I. A. Avtsinov, N. V. Sukhanova, D. Y. Malikov

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For citation:
Avtsinov I.A., Sukhanova N.V., Malikov D.Yu. Technical pneumosystem for development of devices with certain functional capabilities. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2020, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 438–445(in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-3-438-445

Subject of Research. The paper deals with the development of methodological principles, scientific basis for the recognition of piece specific small parts and finished production items on a thin gas layer. The proposed principle is based on the use of a layer as a carrier and recognizing main element of the technical pneumatic system. Together with the design features of the working surfaces of devices, the creation of universal pneumatic equipment is provided. The developed equipment is able to solve successfully the following tasks: control, classification, sorting, rejection and orientation of the production item. The principle of recognition is described. Characteristic elements of the technical pneumatic system are considered. Specific parts and their classification, types of work surfaces and device circuits with certain functional capabilities are presented. Method. The elements of pattern recognition theory were used. In particular, a new recognition method was proposed by a generalized criterion (specific load). Two orientation keys were obtained (bearing surface area of the product and its mass). A new technical pneumatic system was of the form: “pneumatic chamber–device working surface–thin gas layer–production item”. It formed the basis of the proposed class of devices with certain functional capabilities. Main Results. It is shown that pneumatic equipment based on the presented technical pneumatic system has wide functional capabilities: versatility, multifunctionality, the ability to manipulate specific production items, flexibility when switching from one standard size of parts to another. Practical Relevance. Modeling and coding of the presented system is the first step for software product development aimed at automated design of modern pneumatic equipment with certain functional capabilities.

Keywords: device, pneumatic system, gas layer, recognition, specific production items, modeling, coding

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