
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-5-722-728
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Korzukhin S.V., Khaydarova R.R., Shmatkov V.N. Configurable IoT devices based on ESP8266 SoC system and MQTT protocol. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2020, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 722–728 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2020-20-5-722-728
Subject of Research. The paper considers popular application layer protocols for the Internet of Things devices used in TCP/IP networks. Comparative analysis of these protocols is performed in the context of network resources and reliable data transmission application. Drawbacks and benefits of these protocols for the data transfer inside the Internet of Things networks are identified. Review of hardware platforms for the Internet of Things devices is performed. SoC systems which combine a processor, peripherals and networking module on one semiconductor chip can have significant practical value. Method. An approach for the creation of the configurable IoT device using ESP8266 SoC system is proposed. MQTT protocol is used for connectivity with a management server and data collection which can save network bandwidth and arrange logically IoT devices. Simple IoT architecture based on MQTT protocol and OpenHAB and Eclipse Mosquito software is proposed for combination of IoT devices in a network. The advantage of the proposed approach is the use of IoT device application templates. Main Results. Template applications for web-configurable sensor and actuator are created. Access point mode for initial device setup is implemented. Parameters of these devices related to the MQTT message response time are measured. Dependencies of sending and receiving time from MQTT message are obtained depending on its length. Network response time, Transmission Control Protocol packet loss rate, and MQTT message loss rate are measured. Practical Relevance. The following IoT devices have been built based on the mentioned template applications: smart light, motorized curtains, light, gas, temperature, pressure and humidity sensors. The parameters of the received devices, which characterize the message processing time, have been measured. Demonstration stand combining developed devices has been built. The approach used in this work provides rapidly creation of a big variety of IoT devices built on IoT device application templates. The proposed approach also gives the possibility to build simple IoT devices with acceptable operating parameters.
Keywords: IoT, devices, sensors, actuators, MQTT, SoC
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