
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-1-52-64
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Nechiporenko A.P., Nechiporenko U.Yu., Sitnikova V.E. Fourier spectroscopy in blood plasma study with type two diabetes. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2021, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 52–64 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-1-52-64
Subject of Research. The paper presents the study of possibilities of a spectral technique for evaluating changes in the optical properties of carbohydrates and plasma proteins in humans with the initial stage of type two diabetes. The optical characteristics are compared with those obtained by the conventional method of sugar curves using sucrose, honey and milk protein as a provoking load at various stages of treatment with antidiabetic drugs. Method. The study was carried out by infrared spectroscopy of disturbed total internal reflection in the range of 4000–500 cm–1. Testing for glucose tolerance at all stages of treatment was performed by the biochemical glucose oxidase method. Main Results. The use of provocateur products of various nature and an extended glucose tolerance test makes it possible to identify the spectrum bands associated with the presence of glucose (1104 cm–1) and fructose (1115 cm–1), differentiating on the left branch of the complex carbohydrate band (1075 cm–1) of the infrared spectrum of native plasma. It is shown that the change in the intensity of the Amide-I and Amide-II bands of fractionated plasma proteins is associated with the main glucose transporter — globulin fraction proteins. Practical Relevance. The revealed features of changes in blood plasma spectra in the course of the conducted studies give reason to believe that the non-destructive method of Fourier spectroscopy does not require a large volume of the studied material and its preliminary sample preparation. The method is promising as an express tool and can be used to obtain additional information when studying the influence of various provoking factors on the nature of changes in the optical characteristics of protein-lipid-carbohydrate complexes and globular proteins of blood plasma, as well as for preliminary diagnosis and the treatment supervision of type two diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: Fourier spectroscopy, type 2 diabetes, sugar curves
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