doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-2-163-171

Adaptive anti-thermal imaging protection for moving objects

S. V. Mikheev, I. A. Novikov

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For citation:

Mikheev S.V., Novikov I.A. Adaptive anti-thermal imaging protection for moving objects. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2021, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 163–171 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-2-163-171


The paper provides a classification and outlines the current state of anti-thermal imaging protection of military equipment. Currently, improving the reliability of such objects in combat conditions is one of the key tasks. The authors carried out the analysis and considered the prospects for the development of existing systems of anti-thermal imaging protection for moving objects as an important factor in increasing their reliability. It has been shown that the most promising are active-type anti-thermal imaging protection systems. The paper proposes a way to improve the reliability of armored and other vehicles in modern conditions. As an example, an anti-thermal imaging protection system consisting of active cooling modules is considered for armored vehicles. It can operate in two modes: stealth and rapid supercooling of the object’s surface (“black hole”). During the operation of the anti-thermal imaging protection, the system uses controlled cooling of active modules with liquid nitrogen. A design is proposed and a method for calculating the parameters of active cooling modules is developed. The advantages of the developed anti-thermal imaging system for protecting the object are as follows: dual-mode operation of the system and the use of a pre-stored “cold” source, which makes it possible to eliminate the need for additional energy consumption during operation. The proposed system of modular active anti-thermal imaging protection can be used for different vehicles with appropriate adaptation to the object of the general design of the system and modification of the adjustable cooling active module.

Keywords: thermal imaging, thermal imaging system, anti-thermal imaging protection

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