doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-6-817-822

Estimation of temperature detection delay in a fiber optic gyroscope sensing coil. 

D. S. Smirnov, I. G. Deyneka, D. R. Devetyarov, P. V. Skliarov, A. B. Mukhtubayev, E. V. Vostrikov

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For citation:
Smirnov D.S., Deyneka I.G., Devetyarov D.R., Skliarov Ph.V., Mukhtubayev A.B., Vostrikov E.V. Estimation of temperature detection delay in a fiber optic gyroscope sensing coil. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2021, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 817–822 (in Russian). doi:10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-6-817-822

The use of algorithmic temperature compensation requires that the external temperature sensor data and the thermal response of the fiber optic sensor should be synchronized. The paper considers an approach to estimate the temperature detection delay for the external temperature sensor in a sensing coil assembly of a fiber-optic gyroscope. The delay estimation is based on a cross-correlation of temperature data from an external temperature sensor and temperature data of an optical fiber segment obtained by distributed temperature measurement based on optical frequency reflectometry. The results include the estimation of temperature detection delay between the sensing coil and the temperature sensor. The described approach allows evaluating temperature detection delay in a sensing coil assembly of a fiber-optic gyroscope. In case of using multiple temperature sensors, the delay for each temperature sensor can be estimated and taken into account to improve the efficiency of the thermal drift compensation of the fiber optic gyroscope.

Keywords: fiber-optic sensors, fiber-optic reflectometry, temperature measurement, temperature detection delay, fiber-optic gyroscope

Acknowledgements. This work was done at ITMO University and was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the Agreement No. 075-11-2019-026 dated 27.11.2019, the project title: “The production development of fiber-optic gyroscopes for applications in measuring instruments and land vehicle systems”.

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